Carmel Unified Youth Baseball

Red Book of Local Rules
Bronco Division
The use of profanity, alcohol, drugs, or tobacco on the playing field or in the dugout during league games, non-league games, All Star competition or practices is strictly forbidden. Smoking is prohibited at all parks including parking lots. The umpire or League officials will eject violators of this policy.
Spectators are encouraged to cheer for all the athletes on the field. Positive comments and encouragement of the teams is welcomed. Voicing loud, negative opinions of umpires, managers or players will not be condoned by Carmel Youth Baseball. Team managers and coaches are responsible for controlling their partisan fans. Umpires or league officials may take appropriate action, including warning and/or ejection of individuals not in compliance with this policy.
Spectators, coaches, and players shall not taunt players in the field. They may give positive encouragement to batters as long as the opposing pitcher is not being harassed or distracted in any manner. Carmel Youth Baseball players or coaches are not permitted to chant or sing with the intent of disrupting the game or the other team/players. Absolutely no taunting or distracting of the pitcher or catcher is permitted by any base runner at any time.
Only the team manager will engage in discussion with the umpire. Such discussion will be with normal tone and volume of voice. Managers are to conduct themselves in a non-threatening manner before, during, and after discussions with the umpire. Person-to-person contact, throwing or kicking dirt or other unsportsmanlike antics are grounds for Board action. Coaches, parents, and spectators are not to talk to the
umpires during the game. Members of Carmel Youth Baseball and spectators shall be respectful in all comments to umpires regardless of personal feelings about calls or the umpire's personality.
The ejection of a coach, parent, spectator, or player from a game for any reason will automatically lead to the suspension of that individual from the next scheduled game. No exceptions. In addition, the Board may take other action.
Coaches, managers, and league officials who witness games or practices where inappropriate acts occur or League policies/rules are violated must report the incident to the appropriate Division Director, Director of Baseball, Vice President or President within 48 hours. Failure to report an incident or violation can lead to Board action.
Parents are encouraged to report inappropriate acts to the team manager or coach. If not given a satisfactory response, they should report the incident to the Division Director. If not given a satisfactory response by the Division Director, then the incident should be reported to the Vice President. If not given a satisfactory response by this individual, then the incident may be reviewed at a special or regularly- scheduled Board meeting.
League officials and coaches must be cautious in how they touch players. Inappropriate contact will not be tolerated. Keep in mind that parents and children can easily misinterpret even innocent touching by a coach.
The League’s rights involve but are not limited to the fact that the Board of Directors has the authority to suspend or revoke the right to play or otherwise participate in the league for the current season and/or future years any player, parent/guardian, manager or coach whose conduct violates commonly accepted standards of sportsmanship, behavior, attitude or decorum either on or in the area of the playing field or away from the playing field. Such authority may be exercised by a simple majority vote of the Board members present at any regularly scheduled or special meeting. Such a vote is not subject to appeal during the current season.
Cell phones, pagers, or any other type of communication device cannot be used in the dugouts or on the field of play.
The rules governing play and policies for Carmel Youth Baseball are contained in separate documents and are to be applied in the following order:
Carmel Youth Baseball Red Book of Local Rules
Inter-city rules may supersede the Red Book during Inter-city play
PONY Baseball Rules and Regulations
Sporting News Edition of Major League Rules
The Local Rules in this document are intended to supplement and, when in conflict, to supersede other sources, except when playing inter-city. Inter-city rules would be approved before any games played.
These General League Rules apply to all divisions unless otherwise noted. Local Rules may be amended from time to time (including in season) by a 2/3rds vote of the Board of Directors. Also, the Board will make other rule interpretations by majority vote if required.
Carmel Youth Baseball All Star teams shall not be entered into tournaments without approval of the Board of Directors. All Star teams shall be selected in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. Carmel Youth Baseball All Star teams shall be red, gray or white, with the appropriate uniforms unless otherwise directed by the Board.
All managers and base coaches during a Mustang, Bronco or Pony Carmel Youth Baseball game must be N.Y.S.C.A. certified in Baseball.
Each team shall have up to 10 minutes before game time for infield/outfield warm-ups, with the visitors going first and the home team last. The home team remains on the field to start the game. Except for infield practice, all players shall remain off the infield during warm-ups. All outfield warm-ups not part of the infield pre-game warm-ups shall be perpendicular to the outfield foul line. Each team must exchange lineups with the opposing team and, if required, with the umpire.
Helmets with Full Cage Face Guards or Face Guard "C Flap" is required.
PENALTY: Players can not participate until compliant.
Metal cleats are not permitted in the Bronco Divisions during the regular season. Metal cleats are not allowed in Bronco during inter-city play even if the inter-city rules allow them.
Athletic Supporter
The league highly recommends all players wear a gender specific protective cup at all times, at all positions. Players playing the catcher position are required to wear a protective cup at all times.
Players active in the Carmel Youth Baseball program may not participate in other PONY baseball leagues unless the other program ends prior to the beginning of the Carmel Youth Baseball program or begins after the players last regular season or All Star game. In addition, the Board of CYB, at its discretion based on a majority vote, may suspend and/or revoke the right to play in CYB of any player who has excessive unexcused absences. EXCEPTION: Player participation in CYB’s Select. Select players and teams can participate in games and/or practice during the regular season.
A Carmel Youth Baseball approved manager or coach must be present to represent each team at every game and practice. Prior approval by the Board of Directors and N.Y.S.C.A. certification is required for additional coaches.
Team sponsors and individuals that donate to the league will not be given special consideration in draft procedures. Team sponsors will be assigned after teams are selected.
An Executive Board shall consist of the League President, Vice President, and one other Board Member selected by the Board of Directors. The Executive Board shall be constituted to resolve complaints lodged by any member of the League. All members of the Executive Board shall have served at least one year on the Board.
Each team will be assigned one coach and one manager. During games one additional coach may be on the field provided he/she is approved by the Board and is N.Y.S.C.A. certified. All managers and coaches must follow league guidelines and procedures (i.e. attend N.Y.S.C.A. clinics or on-line courses, follow the Redbook of Rules and the Parents Handbook, etc.). An additional “dugout coach” (beyond the three noted above) can assist the team during a game, including in the bullpen area. This “dugout coach” does not need to be N.Y.S.C.A. certified.
Only team members, manager, coaches (assistant, additional and/or dugout coach; a total of four adults) shall be allowed in the dugout at any one time during a game. All coaches must be NYSCA Certified to be on the field. (A team’s scorekeeper should be outside the dugout unless the scorekeeper is one of the three managers/coaches who are keeping score). Team representatives shall wear a team hat to aid in identification. First violation of this rule will result in a warning to the manager and notification to the Board. Second and subsequent violations of this rule will result in the suspension of the manager from the following game. (Suspension means that the manager will not be
allowed to participate in any on field capacity during the following game).
All managers and coaches must be approved prior to the start of the season. The Board will consider coach pairings, based on recommendations by the Director of Baseball after discussions with the Division Directors, in an effort to discourage team loading. The Director of Baseball would prefer to pair inexperienced coaches with experienced ones in an effort to ensure a continuous pool of experienced coaches for each level of play. This may not always happen, however it should be considered. Managers and coaches with prior Carmel Youth Baseball approval and positive experience may be given consideration over new coaches in the approval process. The Board will consider participation in league activities when selecting coaches. Coaches serve at will of the board or executive committee. The Board will approve managers and coaches by secret ballot. Approval requires a simple majority vote. A suspended coach may request a hearing under GRIEVANCE POLICY listed below unless otherwise noted.
Bronco is a 12 and under league, also known as 12U. See Pony “AGE Appropriate” for birth dates for player eligibility status. Players may request to play up if the player demonstrates an exceptional skill level and is physically capable to play up. The decision to play up is at the discretion of the Director of Baseball and each Division’s Directors, i.e. Mustang and Bronco, if a player is requesting to move from Mustang up to Bronco. Players will not be allowed to play up if the Director of Baseball and the Division Directors believes such a move would compromise the safety of the player or the team. If approved, a player will be allowed to play up only one level during their last eligible year in a division, based on playing age. There is no guarantee a player selected to play up will be placed with a sibling. Playing up is not recommended by CYB.
Games are 2 hours and 15 minutes, or 7 innings whichever comes first.
No inning may start after the 2 hour and 15 minute time limit, even if the game is tied. A new inning is determined to have started once the third out in the previous inning has been recorded.
If an inning starts before the time limit expires, the entire inning is to be completed.
Pitchers will receive 5 warm-up pitches between innings, new pitchers will receive a maximum of 8 warm-up pitches.
A half inning will end when either 3 outs are made or 7 runs are scored. After the 7th run scores, play ends.
A completed game (as defined by the “PONY Baseball Book of Rules and Regulations” and applicable local rules) that is tied when called due to time limit, darkness, inclement weather or other circumstances shall be listed in the respective league standings as 1/2 win and 1/2 loss. A game stopped before it is a complete game (as defined in the “PONY Baseball Book of Rules and Regulations”) due to time limit, darkness, inclement weather or other circumstances that is tied shall be considered a suspended game, and if necessary, shall be resumed from the point of curtailment at a time scheduled by league officials.
The official time is to be kept by the official scorekeeper. The official time starts with the first pitch of the game. After the first pitch is thrown the umpire will announce the official start time to the scorekeeper and each team’s coaching staff.
Disciplinary actions taken by the coach. The opposing manager/coach should be notified of the action as soon as possible if a player is sitting out due to disciplinary action. Following the game, the manager must notify the Division Director and/or the Director of Baseball that disciplinary action was taken.
If the time limit has been reached or the game has been called due to darkness or mercy rule, and a player has not played the mandatory 3 defensive innings, that player must start the next game and play 3 consecutive innings in the field.
PENALTY for failure to obey this rule: Forfeit game
Borrowed player(s) from the opposing team should be the individual(s) who made the final out(s) in the preceding inning.
Borrowed players will play only in the outfield and will not bat for the borrowing team.
A borrowed player may not replace a regular team member who is either present for the game or who arrives late.
If a player arrives late, he/she must immediately take the place of the borrowed player.
The first borrowed player must play the outfield position closest to the lending team’s dugout. The second borrowed player will play the opposite field, and the third borrowed player will play center field.
When a borrowed player’s turn “on deck” arrives, the player who made the last out in that inning for the loaning team will replace that player in the outfield. The intent is that no player loaned to the borrowing team shall miss an at bat for their team.
No automatic out is called for the 1st borrowed player's position in the batting order.
An automatic out is called for the 2nd borrowed player’s position in the batting order only, even if the 2nd borrowed player’s position is not filled. In other words, if a team has 7 or fewer regular players show up, that team cannot avoid taking an automatic out. A team with fewer than 8 regular players can be charged a maximum of three automatic outs per game. The automatic outs are to be charged the first three times through the lineup.
A team must field 8 players, including borrowed player’s to avoid forfeit.
In this division, players are considered late if not in uniform and ready to play when the umpire starts the game clock. Late arriving players must play 3 outs in the field to be qualified to bat. Players arriving late shall be added to the last position in the lineup as soon as they qualify to bat. The official scorekeeper and opposing manager are to be notified immediately when players arrive after the game begins.
Daily Max (pitches in game)
| 0 Days | 1 Days | 2 Days | 3 Days | 4 Days | 5 Days |
7-8 | 50 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
9-10 | 60 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-60 | n/a | n/a |
11-12 | 70 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | 66-70 | n/a |
13-14 | 90 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | 66-90 | n/a |
Example: a 10 year old who pitches 36 pitches on a Tuesday, would be eligible to pitch again on Friday (after resting two days, Wednesday and Thursday).
Pitch Count
All pitch count limits are now set by age, not by division, according to the chart above. Hence, if there is a younger player “playing up” in the division, they are restricted by their equivalent age pitching restrictions.
PENALTY: Forfeit all games played that week.
If a player pitches again before the required number of rest days for the number of pitches thrown, then the PENALTY is Forfeit all games in which that pitcher pitched. Again, the scorekeepers from each team should be working together with each coaching staff to ensure this does not happen.
PENALTY for any other Pitch Count violations: Forfeit game
Allowable Innings per Day
Pitchers can't pitch more than 3 innings in a regular season game or calendar day.
Once a player addresses the mound in between innings and throws a practice pitch, that pitcher shall become the pitcher of record for the inning and will constitute as an inning pitched. Note that it does not constitute a “full appearance” for the purpose of using a minimum of 5 pitchers per week.
PENALTY for excess innings pitched violation: Forfeit game
Allowable Pitch Types
The only pitches that can be thrown during the 1st half of the season are a fastball, knuckle ball or change up. NO BREAKING BALLS are allowed during the 1st half.
The second half of the season, breaking balls can be included. Coaches must caution against the overuse of breaking balls and monitor pitchers’ mechanics.
At the discretion of the Director of Baseball, working with the division director, can eliminate breaking balls from the second half of the season, if necessary to protect players.
PENALTY for Illegal Pitch violation:
No Re-Entry to the Pitcher Position
When a pitcher is removed from the mound for any reason, he/she can't return to the mound during that game.
Required Pitchers per Game and Week
For a pitcher to be considered to have made a “full appearance” in a game and thereby count as one of the 3 pitchers per game or 5 pitchers per week, he/she must pitch until 3 outs, 7 runs, or 20 pitches are recorded in a single appearance. Managers will be responsible for pitch counts and rest times. PENALTY: Forfeit of both games played that week
No mandatory slide rule. However, a runner who doesn't slide will be called out by the umpire if there is substantial body-to-body contact with a player applying a tag, making a catch in order to apply a tag or making a catch in order to make a play on another runner. After the runner who does not slide is called out, the ball is dead and any other runners return to the last base touched at the time of contact. Umpire may also eject the player if he/she feels contact was flagrant. Enforcement and rule interpretation are by the umpire's judgment. EXCEPTION: Incidental contact or obstruction.
The home team will occupy the third base dugout.
EXCEPTION: Scorekeepers should actively help the coaching staff monitor pitch counts for all pitchers during the game.
At any time, any coach can ask for help on the current pitch counts for a pitcher. Additionally, scorekeepers from both teams are encouraged to help update the coaches on pitch counts as a game progresses. Keeping our players under their respective pitch count limits is imperative.
Baseball rules (Pony Rule book)
With the exception of pitchers, players may re-enter the game in any defensive position at any time during the game. Once a pitcher is removed from the mound he/she may not return to the mound to pitch for the remainder of the game.
The infield fly rule does apply in this Division.
Intentional walks are not allowed in this Division.
If the umpire ejects a player from the game, their spot in the batting order is an automatic out.
If a player has to leave the game for any reason other than an ejection, his/her spot in the batting order is eliminated, but it is NOT considered an out when that spot in the order comes to bat.
The dropped third strike rule does apply in this Division.
The Board discourages teams from utilizing trick plays designed to deceive and/or cause potential embarrassment to the victims of such plays. Managers are asked to confer with the Director of Baseball before practicing and using “trick plays''. In the event that a trick play was used without notifying the Director of Baseball, the Director of Baseball and the CYB Executive Board will investigate to determine whether the named play represents unsportsmanlike behavior. The Executive Board may take whatever action they deem necessary to ensure that managers and coaches understand and abide by the philosophies of Carmel Youth Baseball. Trick plays are not recommended by CYB.
1st time – both teams are warned,
2nd time – player causing infraction is called out. Ball is dead. All runners return to the last base touched at time of infraction.
With 2 outs and a catcher on base, a courtesy runner may be used so the catcher can return to the dugout to put on his/her gear. The runner must be the player who made the last recorded out. The runner is not considered a substitute.
A league Grievance Committee, according to PONY Baseball guidelines shall handle game protests.
Parental (or other) complaints on any aspect of the Carmel Youth Baseball program shall be reported to the Vice President within 72 hours. The Vice President for Carmel Youth Baseball may at his/her discretion after reviewing the complaint with the President elect to call a meeting of the Executive Board. All Board members shall be responsible for forwarding complaints within 72 hours to the Vice President who shall, at his/her discretion expeditiously schedule a meeting of the Executive Board. All involved parties can address the Executive Board, but a Player’s parent or guardian must be present if a player is to address the Executive Board. The Executive Board can place reasonable time limits on each speaker at its discretion. The Executive Board will study the issues and may render an immediate decision or delay making the decision until the next scheduled Board meeting. The matter may be referred to the full Board if majority of Executive Board members agree. Decisions will be made by simple majority vote. The Executive Board may elect, among other actions, to suspend the respective party from the next scheduled game or for the entire season or longer.
The team manager may protest a game when he/she feels there has been a violation of the rules. No protest shall ever be permitted on judgment decisions by the umpire. The team manager must inform the plate umpire and the opposing team manager that the game is being played under protest at the time the play under protest occurs and before the next pitch, before a runner is retired or within 5 minutes of such play (whichever comes first). A protest arising on a game ending play (one which ends a complete game) may be filed until 12 noon the following day with the Division Director at which point the umpire of record and opposing coach would be contacted by the Division Director.
All protests must be submitted in writing to the Division Director within 48 hours of the end of the game. The protest committee will consist of the Director of Baseball, Division Director (of the division in which the protest occurs) and one other Carmel Youth Baseball Board member as assigned by the President. The President may assign him/herself.
The draft information is confidential and is for official League use only. Misuse of this information will result in Board action and possible suspension from the League for the season, or longer. The players’ order of selection is also confidential and not to be shared with non-League officials, players, wives or children. List of players selected for each team along with a copy of registration forms may be removed from the draft site as long as players are not listed in order selected.
All players will be reassigned to a different team each year. Players in Mustang and Bronco Divisions will be redrafted each season. Players in Shetland, Pinto Minor and Major will be assigned by the division director each year. Pony division will either be drafted each year or assigned by a committee composed of the executive board and the division director in the interest of parity. Players will be drafted WITHOUT consideration of the location of their home, school attended or other special requests. Coaches will be required to schedule an equal number of practices at both Larson Field and Dampierre Park in order to equalize any perceived travel inconvenience.
All players in the Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, and Pony Divisions will be evaluated to determine skill level before the draft. Additional considerations may be included along with the skill evaluation scores. Such considerations may include (but not be limited to) information regarding prior year’s performance in regular or All Star competition.
At a meeting attended by each team’s manager and coach and League Officials (League Official refers to an elected member of the Carmel Youth Baseball Board serving a current term), the draft will be conducted as follows:
Players accepted to the program after the draft are assigned by the Vice-President and Division Director cooperatively, to a team based on the following criteria: the order of the draft, the player's ability, and an attempt to maintain balance of talent on teams. CYB reserves the right not to accept a player’s registration if it is received after the draft date. Reasons for denying registration may include: teams have reached a maximum number of players, or the addition of a player will significantly alter the parity of the teams within the division, etc.
10-12 players per team ideally